Sure, I could see him looking down at my meager settlements, but I wasn't intimidated. After I built up my country's wealth, the president visited me, and he may have well been a long-lost Roosevelt cousin.

Sure, I was happy to break away from my former country, but I needed new allies to fill the void, and America seems like as good a fit as any. For much of my time, I was improving my crop production to impress the nearby Americans. It’s also got fun touches thrown in that mirror situations that Caribbean civilizations would have gone through hundreds of years ago.

And the advisers are happy to fuel your revolutionary spirit if you become too chummy with your native land.

You're always reminded to ensure roads connect your various buildings, for instance, or to promote underlings to keep your miniature democracy humming along.
These objective-laden scenarios are a stronger tutorial than the actual tutorial because you're free to create as you wish, but still have guidance to keep you on the proper path. I spent my time in the campaign, which gives discreet missions to complete on your way to independence. Just remember that you're in charge of their fate. You can zoom out to view your entire empire or rush the camera in to see the little people going about their day. It's easy enough to soar above the beautiful vistas. The control scheme translates well from the mouse and keyboard it was designed for to the controller it must now work with. From the two hours I spent crafting my doomed society, I found no hiccups to thwart my fun. Don't let the long wait shatter your trust in the finished game, though. If you have a sharp memory, you may recall that it's been more than a year since Tropico 5 was announced for the PlayStation 4. But what then? What if people refused to work? Or if those pirates I partnered with decide to invade my island? Well, that's when I realize how happy I am that Tropico 5 is just a game, and I didn't let thousands of real people suffer. I could raise taxes on the lower class so they don't have disposable income for salacious desires, and can build military compounds to put the fear of death into everyone. But what am I to do when we have a bad harvest? Or when the citizenry becomes restless or violent? I have ideas, sure. It's easy to build indiscriminately when your economy is booming. Why didn't they fight harder for what was rightfully theirs? Why did they so willingly let us claim our own sovereignty? The answer is that I'm not much of a ruler. Severing ties with the country that was my home for so long was empowering, and much easier than I had imagined. We discovered a constitution – a democracy that would bring government to the people – and sought our own independence. Eventually, we became strong enough to thrive without anyone overseeing our interests. This was the new Rome, a place of boundless wealth and decadence in the middle of the ocean, and I wouldn't be restrained by a boring temptresses like fiscal responsibility. Soon, we had so much money that I opened an opera house, not because people were clamoring for classical music, but because there wasn't anything else to spend my surplus on. Now the gold mines that taunted me, so near to my city and yet so unreachable, could be picked clean. My people researched new technologies at the library, happening upon huge discoveries such as shovels and sickles. It's incredible seeing an empty swath of dirt blossom into a thriving metropolis. Roads connected everything together, all leading to the ports that opened my country up to the rest of the world. What harm could that bring? I built apartments for the laborers and mansions for the dignitaries, plenty of open beds to keep the homeless off the street. I had more cotton and sugar than my people would ever need, and so I began trading with pirates who would sail their black ships nearby. I had plantations stretched across every farmable inch of land. “It didn't take long for my country to blossom into something special.